Just about everyone has something in their past credit that is less than perfect. The most important thing is to learn what is on your report, determine what impact that information has on your credit rating, and work on repairing and restoring any damage that may have been done.
Mortgage loan options are rated by credit, labeled like school grades - "A" credit is the best, then down to A-, B, C, etc. Even if you do not have an A credit rating, we can let you know what your options are if you fall into an A- or lower category. The rates are generally going to be higher, and may require a down payment. If you determine that you are not satisfied with this type of financing, then together we can map out what you need to do with your credit and finances for the next six to twelve months in order to qualify for an A credit loan.
There are three main credit bureaus that most creditors (such as credit card companies, banks, leasing companies, etc) provide information to on a monthly basis. Each month, your credit holders report information to the credit bureaus about your current balance, minimum payment requirements, and credit history. If you need specific information from one of the major credit bureaus, following is the contact information for each of them:
PO Box 2002
Allen, TX 75013
(888) 397-3742
PO Box 1000
Chester, PA 79022
(800) 916-8800
PO Box 740243
Atlanta, GA 30374
(800) 685-1111
We are truly passionate about our profession and the result is that nearly one hundred per cent (100%) of our business is by referral from satisfied clients, trusted financial advisors and the most experienced Realtors in the country. Our mission is to guide you through the entire home loan process, so that you feel confident about the options available for your financing strategy. With many years and a wide range of experience in the mortgage industry, our dedicated team will stand ready to assist you every step of the way.
If you have any questions about your loans ... We are available
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